- Our Greenwood movers know that when you’ve just settled into your new home, the last thing on your mind may be the upcoming winter. Between organizing your items and finding schools for your children, there’s little time on your mind for anything else. That’s why the pros at Wheaton Moving & Storage have put together five essential moving tips to help you prepare for the cold season ahead. Read on ahead to learn more!Tune Up Your Heating System – You may not have gotten the chance or have forgotten to inspect your heating system before purchasing your new home. For less than a hundred bucks you can hire a technician to inspect your heat pumps and tune it up as needed.
- Caulk Your Windows and Doors – Keep insulation performance at its best by caulking the edges of your windows and doors to prevent any leakage.
- Divert Water and Avert Ice – Extend pipes to keep water away from your foundation and hire a technician to fix any other issues that might cause ice dams.
- Clean, clean, clean – A trick to keeping winter at bay from affecting your home is to clean beforehand. Be sure to fully clean your chimney, gutters, and pipes to ensure proper flow of ice melt and debris.
- Stock Up and Put Away – Make sure your winter essentials such as a snow blower is well oiled and easily retrievable and be sure to put away equipment you won’t be using such as a lawn mower. Nothing is harder in winter than shoveling your way to the shed to get an item you need that isn’t prepared.
Of all the moving companies in Greenwood, depend on the quality moving services of Wheaton Moving & Storage for precision moving solutions that can be customized to fit any need. Work one on one with a moving specialist today to craft your own personal moving plan. Call us to get started or fill out our online form to request your free moving estimate.